Onira Tarés on TV show Slepy Hollow as Grace Dixon

I haven't been watching the new hit show Sleepy Hollow (supernatural shows/movies just aren't my thing). However last night these beautiful gifs* crossed my Tumblr dashboard and I just had to make a post. Knowing that one of the characters in Sleepy Hollow had come from the past I wondered if there would be any Blacks in period settings. Lo and behold a beautiful Black woman in an exquisite gown. I wonder if we will see more of her character.

*Gifs Credit: Kiarasnaps of tumblr


  1. Oh yes, gorgeous Grace Dixon is a fan favorite, and she does show up in the season finale. If they go to season three we'll be seeing more of her for certain. She's a "victim" (in a good way) of positive fan reaction. We ALL wanted to see the beautiful, and kind looking lady from Fredericks Manor again.


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