Write It! - Day 19 | Martha Church Portrait

Day 19 Black History Month Write It! Series *Photo of the Day*

This piece of art is a portrait of a cook.

Amazingly, her name is not lost to history; Martha Church. What was life like for Martha Church the cook? Was she enslaved or free? Happy, unhappy, or content? And what are the stories of the other two women of African descent draw by the same artist?

Additional Links

Martha Church (Cook) Art – https://goo.gl/Tnj1tb  and https://goo.gl/ip8DSu

Jene (Scrubwoman) - https://goo.gl/iJ84uv

Mulatto Girl Art - https://goo.gl/6Ds9C6

Slavery in New Jersey - https://goo.gl/56tY2q

The Artist - https://goo.gl/7xCLt5


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